My Life
X'mas Ball, New Year's Eve
* Sunday, January 04, 2009 *
Don't wanna type, here's a photo of my preparation/appearance before the ball

New Year's Eve photos in friends' DCs, but I can tell u we did something REALLY FUN... hahaha
When the value of mood comes to 0
* Friday, October 31, 2008 *
What does it feel like when the value of mood comes to 0? It's neither positive nor negative, you can't say I'm sad now, because I'm just mood-less. There's no mood to talk about. Maybe it's the medicine that I'm taking, I was really very sick last Sunday.I should be happy actually, I got back 2 tests today & both turned out really good. But I also should be sad, because there's a huge pile of homework for the weekends & on Monday there's Chem test which I TOTALLY KNOW NOTHING ON. Maybe the 2 feelings diluted each other, that's why.Not in the mood to talk much, maybe when I get better, I'll come back to update a bit.
New life... No life...
* Monday, October 06, 2008 *
Let's skip the sentence about how long since I last blogged... lol. I'm now Sec 4, fyi.The first day of school, I was late..... OMG~ The bus driver obviously hasn't adapted to a sudden increase in the number of passengers (90% students) & it came so late... So I went in the classroom last & OMFG!!! Only one seat left! The one RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE TEACHERS DESK. No way... After some introduction & briefing from our form teacher, she asks, "Ok, we're going to arrange your seats now. Is there anyone who has some special requirements, for example you want to sit at the front row? Pls let me know."Right that instant, I "shot" up my hand like a bullet, and asked when the entire class was silent, " May I sit at the back row?" LOL, exactly the same sentence structure, & everyone knows my intention right!? XP Can slack!~ Can play can talk can read can do other hmwk can copy hmwk can sleep can do anything I want! But then she was kind enough to say, "Ok~ Your height is good enough to sit there." YES!I'm now sitting beside Barry the Maths Genius, YAY~ Maths Olympiad Champion & Maths HK Team since long ago, best tuitor for my poor maths. lol There's still Kelvin the entertainer in front of Barry & PEPSI the top in standard. YES, HIS NAME IS PEPSI. When people call his name I often like to say, "Seven-Up..." lolBut, Sec 4 has been a pain. I'm now in 4C, the best class in both level & science stream. Yet, it's hell. The tests awaiting you are capable of failing the entire level except your class, & the teachers' teaching speed & methods are so hard to adapt to... One chapter in one lesson of 40 minutes... Holy shit...My form teacher Mrs. Chow is a good teacher, & after half a month I realized that copying notes in her lessons is not my way. Just listen when she explains, it's more than enough to understand. Copying notes will only make me miss what she says. Btw, she teaches Math & AMath.Other lessons... Some just make me soooooooo sleepy... while some, far too confusing... Our physics teacher Mr. Lo teaches HELL FAST. It's not yet 2 months since school started, but he's already completed the entire book...... =.= & the "example questions he used to EXPLAIN", (which he just made us do, assuming it's easy & we should all know, & then list out the solution) are all harder than O level... & the very 5th question he made us do, was HARDER THAN A Level!!! Questions harder than A level when we just started a new topic... if we can make it, we're all geniuses man... Obviously there are people who can make it, just that it's not me... Those guys went for tuition before school began... tuition for 9 subjects & for some subjs tuitions at 3 different places... I can't take that, but someone can! How amazing O.OPhysics is just a torture now, the more lessons we suffer, the more we don't understand... All that are in my mind (& many many many others) are QUESTION MARKS ???????????????Chinese, a strict, but a little humorous, very efficient & hardworking teacher. Mr. Wong. We all believe that no matter how bad we science class students' chinese is, HE WILL MAKE IT AS CLOSE TO A AS POSSIBLE. But he's also called LION... because he bites... LOL the torture he brings... we'll see.We've got a very good Eng teacher!!! initially... She's a substitute of our sick Eng teacher, & we had LOTS OF FUN in her lessons!~ HAHAHA Everyone is expecting her lessons so much! Relax point of the day, like HAPPY HOUR!!! XDD But now she's gone bcoz she's got another job to start... We'll miss you DingDing!!!Life is now much more busy, & I also see some change in myself. I actually pick up textbooks to revise after I finish hmwk (which I could have used the time to play) & I spend the entire weekends to revise... I pay much more attention in class, & I actually try to make notes. I do extra exercises from the textbook & on & on... These didn't happen in the past 2 decades damn it!!!I feel the need for it, & I feel the pressure. I'm still not having any tuitions, to save time at home, & also to save $. lol. Yet, I still get the lowest mark in class for Math test.... 19/40 T_T It's still a pass because in my sch, in sec 4, 40% is pass. So as long as I get 16 I've already passed but, that's not what I want!!! & well, it went through the whole level's ears & those jerks who haven't even seen how hard my class's paper was & come say I'm lousy. Fine, I shall prove to them that I can do better! (Woah I sound like those fixed lines in educating videos LOL) & Yes I did, the second, third & 4th tests I did all above/within avrg of my class. But this they won't know... Because there's a Chinese saying : 好事不出门,恶事行千里 (modern version is 好事不出门,坏事传千里) which means the good things (mainly of people) won't spread out of the door, but the news of bad deeds spread everywhere. But this isn't really my business then, my duty is just to do the best I can.Although I just said I change in my attitude & how I face studies, I start to feel the pain... I start to feel how torturing that is. It's really "no life". That's not me at all, having no entertainment but pure work. & of course I'm not persistent enough (I'm such a 三分钟热度) that now I occationally slack again... But still, much less than last year! So there's still improvement! Anyway, I shall end this wordy post now, I just don't know what it will be like later in Sec4 & 5...Some photos of the short trip to Macau in August-

Hands shaken. Who cares?
* Wednesday, July 30, 2008 *
Well, maybe I won't blog about the trip to Beijing, yet. I dunno if I'm going to take that time to blog it in the future too, lol. But just let me start this post which i don't intend to make it too long with a picture.
<Content deleted to avoid further arguments> Recently, something very bad happened, fyi, it's got nothing to do with Singaporeans, just in case someone is too smart to think that they made me so upset. I'm getting stress and ah damn.& another thing is, I just got another operation on my toe, again, on the same one, the biggest one on the left foot. 2 months ago I had this operation at a surgical doctor to remove the nails & the inner, hard nail layer under the skin so that my nail won't grow into the flesh again & poke it until it rots & so on. Yet, that doctor sucks. Because I was in a rush to have that operation since it was exams right after that & then a vacation following, I can't walk with a rotting toe during the vacation, right? So the doctor who was free that very day did the business. Yet, the wound should have healed in 2 weeks & it took 2 months & IT STILL HADN'T HEAL!!! WTF!? For more information refer to the previous post.A friend of my mom who had been a nurse for decades told my mom that a wound for a cancer operation would heal in 2 weeks, my wound should have too! There could be rotten flesh in the wound. So, this monday & also today I went to a much better & famous & pro surgical doctor (who obviously has a more 'pro' charge too) & let him "check the wound" as the nurse said in the phone. He did the operation right there. Woah! I wasn't so prepared in mind but heck it, that toe can take everything that comes now. So the injection with anaesthetic still hurts since it goes right into the nerves & he was digging in all directions with that needle in my skin but it's alright~ I've had it more than enough. So he did the operation very quickly to remove the rotten flesh in the wound and, $1600. HK dollars of coz. Around SGP$320. & the wound didn't hurt like it did after the previous operation, in fact for days, it didn't hurt at all with or without pain killers... SKILL DAMN IT. The previous doctor sucks.What's more, I called this better doctor before I had the previous operation, just that he said he would wash the wound for me (sounds very useless) & the fd of my mom who had used to worked at this doctor's place forgot to tell my mom that, althg the doctor said "wash wound", he might just finish the operation right then like this monday...... =.="" That is why I had to go to the shit doctor & suffer 1.5 months more & pay loads of extra money just because she forgot that sentence... T_TSigh. August is coming, once August starts, there'll be no more holiday for me for the next 2 years... Yes, sec 4 only starts in September here, but I gotta start tuition & holiday homework & all those preparations for sec 4 in August. & to prepare for the HKCEE (O lvl in sgp, for going to high sch) in sec 5, the entire sec 4 & 5 will be used for studying like crazy & doing past papers & practices, in other words : HELL. The elite class is going to have compositions VERY frequently, which I hate. We already know who's the Chinese teacher since it has always been him for the elite class, he's a mad guy who provides hell training to push our Chinese standards to A, I would hate the process but hopefully I'll like the results... Because that's what I need. I'm taking 10 subjects for HKCEE, the maximum number. But actually the minimum number for us in the elite class in such a sch is actually 9... lol Just that I take an extra subject which I'm more confident in & also, like many others, to create possibility for becoming a 10A scholar! haha, yea I'm not that pro but there's still a chance. That's the highest score & honour for HKCEE & obviously it's goddamn hard to achieve but if I don't take 10 subjects, then it's really IMPOSSIBLE. So... I shall enjoy the rest of my holiday!~Let's end with 2 pictures which I regard pretty funny. lol
What's that supposed to feel like? haha
For those who can't read Chinese, it says, "Come closer, a little bit more closer" hahaha, did he do it? lol cya!~
* Friday, July 18, 2008 *
5 MONTHS SINCE I LAST BLOGGED!!! I've had a few attempts to blog in this period but they all ended lying quietly as drafts... lol
So, exams ended. It's now
HOLIDAY. Jealous? Yes I know you are.
Let me start with some 'bigger' events or changes to my life. FYI, I now have to go for tuition... Sounds pity to myself but to you guys it's very usual right? I started having tuition about one month after school started after Mid-year exam -> from April to June. For Chem & Bio, actually I don't really need it that much for Bio... but since that tuition centre near my sch had these 2 subjects stuck together & that I ain't THAT good in it... I had it. That tuition centre had special teachers & lessons for different schs, mainly for schs nearby. So they know my sch very well, the teachers, the syllabus, the exam paper style of each teacher & so on... they had at least 10 years of our past papers... They made me understand much more about Chem & Bio, but the results... You'll see in the lower part of the post. Just for laughing at, my class of ONLY Lasallians, tried a Chem paper of another Band 1 famous Girls sch, which had a time limit of 1.5 hr printed it, & finished within 15min... -> 96/100 LOL, it reflects why our sch has been having the highest score in the HKCEE... (exam for all sec 5s in order to go high sch/college)
One thing worth mentioning is that,
OUR CLASS FINALLY WITNESSED GLASS-CRACKING!!! Our Chem teacher, Ms. X here, who is so fat & short & has high blood pressure & once fainted due to a stroke & was sent to hospital bcoz a class of students tried their very best to annoy her so much... LOL This time, our class was annoying her as well! Firstly, she was pretty angry the moment she came in, then when there was a little noise, she pointed at Ken & told him to stop talking. Ken said he didn't (he really didn't THIS time), & Ms. X told him to get out of the classroom. Felix who sat beside Ken said Ken really didn't, she told Felix to get out as well. Then, she closed the door & said, "
Anyone who doesn't wish to have my lesson can go out & join them too." Then 3 guys went out..... LOL 2 of them had a plan with others to go out together, but the rest... scarycat... lol. FYI, I wasn't informed. Then she got very angry already. & during the lesson, once she started talking, there will be sounds from noses... desks... pens... phones... such as shot gun sound... songs... alarm... flies flying around... SOUNDS OF SEX... & so on. & FINALLY, we got her SO angry, that she tore her notes violently & she banged the chair at the teacher's desk (she was standing) so hard that the glass on the desk broke! & her face was red like an apple, she tore her notes again & she started shouting, "ARE YOU GUYS HUMAN? ARE YOU COLD BLOODED? I have high blood pressure I tell you.
IF I BECOME A GHOST I WILL ALSO COME BACK AND STRANGLE ALL OF YOU TO DEATHHHHHHHHHH!!!" x 2 LOLOL, We Are So Scareddddddddddddddd. LOL Later she calmed a little & it was ok... lucky she didn't have another stroke... but if she did, our class will finally leave some record. lol
Oh yeah I had an operation, anyone of you knew about it? Maybe not. Ok, it's just on my left largest toe, but it's still an ok-big operation as it went deep enough that I can see my toe bone. I had this operation because my toe has 倒甲, which means a 'hook' in the toe nail that sticks into the meat, causing the flesh to get infected & so on. My toe was rotting.... LOL I had 2 'operations' before this, which were smaller & improper. The first one, as I told some of you, the doctor didn't even clean my toe or wear gloves, nor give me any anti-pain stuffs, he just took up my toe & started cutting & plugging with his tools... The second one was done in another clinic, but the roots of the nail wasn't removed, so it just grew back & stuck in again... THIS one, was done in a surgical doctor's clinic, but... Why is he free enough to see me right on the day I called!!!???~~~~ That means he sucks la... But it was already one week before the exams & after exams I gotta go vacation... so no choice. Went to do the operation & had 3 stitches... & THAT VERY NIGHT, AT 11.30PM,
MY TOE STARTING FLUSHING WITH BLOOD!!! holy shit... that doctor is that kind of opposite-of-'细心' - 'thoughtless?' the way he put the stitches sucks, the way he wrapped my toe sucks, the way he took away my stitches also sucks!!! argh... if I did the operation at the doctor my mom did the same operation at, it would be much better. That doctor is much more famous & careful & very busy... lol, that's why I couldn't wait. BECAUSE IT GETS PAINFUL BACK HOME!!! If during exams I go do this operation, I don't need to study liao... I don't even need to take exams... lol sigh~ Now, the wound is better, it has already closed up but the toe is STILL swollen... or at least purple in colour... I don't know wtf that doctor was doing...
Then, Exams.
Bloody Exams. The period was so damn tough this time I tell you. There was 3 weeks of exams. The first week was not that bad, not that tough. The second week...
GOD. 4 out of 5 days, I had to sleep at 3.30am, 4.15am, 4.30am, 5am &
5.45AM when the exams on the following days started at
8.10AM!!! I had to drink Red Bull PLUS Chicken Essence EVERY MORNING to make sure I don't fall asleep in exams... & on that night/dawn that I had to sleep at 5.45am... my mom said, "Tmr you eat cocain also no use..." LOL But I guess the Red Bull & Chicken Essence really had some sort of drugs-like use, that you have hyper energy for a period of time, but once that 'drug-effect' is over, you obviously feel a lot more tired. That's what happened to me, the 'drug-effect' goes away at around 1pm. Which is still... fine, at least exams are already over, but I sure need more 'DRUGS' so that I can study that afternoon. LOL Third week, only the first day is really that tough la... CHINESE HISTORY + COMPUTER. Our sec3 computer is INSANE. It's not exactly what they teach that's insane, but it's the paper... We don't talk about the avrg... it's the passing rate... LOL plus on that day it's Com & Chinese History TOGETHER. holy shit.... lucky it was a monday, so there was saturday & sunday. last friday was right after SUCH a tough week, OF COZ didnt study la, just rest... lol so saturday finished Chinese History, but Sunday wasn't enough for Comp...
ROCKS! hahaha
The 2nd last & 3rd last day, were to take govt exams in sch. omg... SUPER EASY. We all wished we could leave early... like finish paper then go, coz we all had sooooooo much time left, we only use half of the time given to finish the papers... GOVT PAPERS~ That's the avrg line of HK... Super easy la...
FINE, the "most important" thing that you guys may want to know & then will say I'm showing off, whatever, I don't think it's that good anyway. So now they all come with the CA calculated-
Eng Total : 253/300 Lowest record?Eng Compo : 71/100 holy mama... I'll explain whyEng Paper : 94/100 LOL, the paper was super easy la... i got 95, but CA was lowerEng Listening : 44/50 dropping steadily...Eng Oral : 44/50 didn't do very well when I should have done better.Chinese Total : 146/200 YEAH BABY! It's definitely one of the best times.Chinese Reading : 44/60 err... there's a stupid part some of us skipped for a stupid reason...Chinese Writing : 45/60 man~ it's not bad, the marker was very strict -> my form teacher.Chinese Listening : 17/30 HAHA!~ I believe I will fail again (since sec1) very soon.Chinese Oral : 27/30 WAHAHAHA!!! The teacher was very nice, I stammered but had pointsChinese Projects : 13/20 ... ok whatever, I don't give a damn.Maths : 172/200 YES!!! I TELL YOU THIS IS THE BEST I'VE GOT IN SEC SCHLong paper : 78/100 with CA I guess that's it, without I think it could be lower, could be sameMC paper : 94/100 WAHAHA I OWNED!!! no la... many people owned... lol but to me it's still goodPhysics : 84/100 damn... I dropped... wrong for very stupid thing...Chem : 79/100 ARGH DARN IT!!! I hate Chem now... the paper was such a mother fucker...Bio : 90/100 LOL the tuition paid off for Bio instead of what it was intended for - > ChemComputer Literacy : 83/100 it's counted very good, the 3rd in lvl passed it with 50/100... LOLReligious Studies (Christ) : 95/100 WAHAHAHA!!! If I say it's bad many of u will fuck me right!? I expected 80-85 actually... lolEconomics ($$) : 89/100 ok ok la... had quite some mistakes in MC & graphs... too bad.Geography : 89/100 DAMN!!! it's not the results I'm angry about... shall explain behind.History : 95/100 Sigh~ Of course it's good, but quite a few I see also 95 or 96...Chinese History : 89/100 Compared to the previous exams (71)... It's quite a big improvement.Mandarin : 92/100 ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dropped a lot, almost as low as Sec1(91) , where's my 100!?Music : B lol I skipped the paper because of the operation, so I only did a Concert project... 19/20Art : F ROFL!!! haha I didn't hand a single project out of the 2 after Mid-yr... So ... 0/100 XDDPE : C ... UNFAIR UNFAIR!!! Why this year my class don't have push-ups & sit-ups tests~ If not I could have B... sigh~Both the English & Chinese reading papers were said to be very difficult by some teachers, even the panel (head of subject) of English said to us the paper this time is very hard... As for the Chinese paper, all chinese teachers of our lvl said it's damn hard, & my chinese teacher said he tried doing the paper himself, & he couldn't finish in time... =.=" wth... a teacher also can't finish!? He said this time the paper should have only around 10 guys in the whole lvl that can finish the whole paper... IN THE END, BOTH PAPERS SHOULD HAVE BEEN CHANGED. THEY WERE JUST SOOOOO FREAKING EASY!!!!!!!!!!! For chinese, most of us took soooo much time memorizing the 48 成语, not just meaning but all the words because they shouldn't be given & you got to rmb by heart, that's the hardest point -> being able to use it out. IN THE END THEY WERE GIVEN!!! WTF!?
For Eng compo... the word limit... you know what? "Please write approximately 250 words." WTF!? 250!? In the end I wrote 500++.... shit... Simply word exceed deduction was a pain... Plus on this time as I wrote a very similar composition in class before, & my class' Eng teacher marked many sentences right & I thought the grammar was alright, IN THE END THAT EXAM MARKER CIRCLED OUT SOOOOOO MANY GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES WHICH I WROTE EXACTLY THE SAME THING IN CLASS BUT WAS MARKED RIGHT!!! Argh... THIS, is a teacher's fault...
& Chem, I studied all the theories... calculations... definitions... examples... generally important experiments... laboratory rules & safety precautions & safety hazards & what containers for what shit & why... the general things as well as quite some details you needed to know. In the end in the Long Question paper which had 60 marks ONLY TESTED FOR EXPERIMENTS!!! WTF!!!??? The rest I studied only appeared in MCs!!! WTF!? damn the setter la!~
But the worst of all... Was about Geog... Not the results... But because on 7th July we returned to sch for exam papers checking & take the mark slip. That time my Geog mark showed on the mark slip was 92. I calculated my marks (paper & CA) & realized there were 3 marks more (should be 89 - what it is now) but I thought there was a uniform mark addition because others said they have extra marks too. (It was common, Comp had extra) Then that day, my form teacher announced to us our rankings, & there was another guy in my class that share the same total as I do, so we're both 8th in level & 1st in class. Ok, so it's my first & last time to be 1st in class in Secondary sch. Next yr in elite class it's impossible for me to get 1st unless I murder all the pros... THEN. 14th July, we returned to sch for the record card. THE GEOG PIG SAID, "SORRY THAT THERE WAS A MISTAKE IN CALCULATING THE GEOG MARKS, NOW THE PROBLEM IS FIXED." So now, my Geog marks went back to 89. & I'm 9th in level, 2nd in class. Because the other guy simply didn't drop in his Geog marks!!! Sigh~
I'm not complaining that my rankings dropped & I shouldn't have. Yes, I should have, I should be 9th & 2nd. But the prob is
CAN THAT PIG NOT GET THINGS WRONG & GET ME SO EXCITED & THEN SO DISAPPOINTED!!?? Aw man... He's really a pig... No, calling him a pig is a compliment for him, he's
WORSE THAN A PIG. Sigh... So, last chance to be first in class is gone! Yay, there will be no such things in my life FOREVER! Shall I be happy!? MOTHER FUCKING PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN...
So, overall, another year's gone. I don't know what the hell I did this year. At this very moment I'm suddenly so empty (not exactly about the rankings ok?) that I guess I had no accomplishment at all this year... A little rise in results? Yes, I dropped to 25th in lvl in mid-year & bounced back... When I knew I was first, I had a feeling that I suddenly became not sooooooo nervous about the marks or what, because I wasn't as excited & delighted as I would have been. But then the moment I knew I wasn't first... I wasn't that furious too, but the disappointment... never decreased. I'm STILL THAT SORT OF PERSON. Whatever. That emptiness & boredom is filling me more & more often. It was only when I'm busy I don't feel like that, but now in holiday.... Back. BUT, there's some good changes too! I have better self-control (very very important), & I also have improvements in resisting from talking & sleeping in class, & now I have more sources of entertainments... & so on. Can't rmb the rest yet.
Omg, the post is super wordy... AS USUAL. LOL ok I'll talk about my trip to Shanghai Beijing & Nanjing in the next post! With photos & stuffs. Just don't expect my next post to be so quick... LOL
Life is like a roller coaster, there's up and down.
* Saturday, February 23, 2008 *
I spent quite some time making this test! Shan Quan made one & then I wanted to make a second one. Anyway I needa sleep or at least do something else now, don't feel like blogging, just leave to test here~ It's pretty easy actually, despite its name. lol

Create your own Friend Test here
Everybody, wish you fail it. LOL
New year, less hope.
* Friday, February 08, 2008 *
There's far too much of my life to talk about, let's summarize again... lol.
WAR GAME: Now first let me talk about why I was free to go to war game on the family fun day of my school (3/2/08) in which i'm a team leader of a team tat must appear for duty.
I was told of the war game about a week before the fun day & from then i started 'applying' for absence. 2 major teachers of the team (shall not name but A & B) says NO. So i told my team to CREATE reasons NOT to be there. it resulted in that EVERYONE has a PERFECT reason. great. then i went for the teachers again... A would definitely say no & she's the 'bigger' one, yet... She had prob with her spine & wouldn't be back before fun day!!! WAHAHAHA! Then B the more kind one said YES. haha... but i took a lot of time to design my piece of wall in the center for the fun day until 6pm u know!? (worked btwn 12 - 1pm, & then 3-6pm) B said mine was the best, but... chairman found out that our words' LINE SPACING WRONG!!! wth... then got to change but after fun day.
War game day: cold~~ another thing is my dad didn't really like it, especially because he & i had argument over wat i wear for war game. tat day coz it was darn cold but he was making me wear a little too much. watever, i gave in. later he don't let me go i die...
eddie the dumb ass brought a girl (jamie) there... & then once game started he went "alastair help me look after her bye" & ran off... wtf... alastair is the 'organizer' this time & a pro, though really fat. alastair & his younger sis (dif from jamie she's super experienced & gd) eddie & jamie (eddie lent), kevin & kevin's dad, uncle & 2 cousins had private guns, which were more powerful, while the other 9 of us rent the 'company guns' from tat place. F*** LA!!! my gun was problematic AGAIN! not enough battery & thus not enough shooting speed, distance & strength. at the 4th last game it couldn't even shoot la! last time i played at another place (also alastair organized) ALSO gun no battery, but then very fast changed to another one. this time our bastard guide kept saying 'no prob' & didn't change for me, f*** him la...
game was still pretty fun, i killed a lot & my team won a lot, except once tat my whole team (A team) was simply trapped at a place behind a huge wall from the moment the game started, either way if we walked out we would be shot into bee hives... the opposite team (B team) included kevin & his 4 relatives - all super powerful guns, mainly long ranger & EVEN SNIPERS, ZOOMING LENS &
INFRA-RED AIMING... our team 4 ppl had private guns but... eddie the moron - brought 2 long guns & many pistols, one long gun lent jamie (total idiot in playing war game & war soooo timid), the other long gun left for himself wasn't original & its firing power was greater than the restricted range... he gotta use pistols MORON!!! alastair & his sis, their guns were powerful but the distance is not tat long, thus not as accurate as snipers... in the end,
WHOLE TEAM SURRENDERED.k other than tat, it's ok fun except tat i first got shot on my finger - swollen, then i fell on a little water & not only got my ass a little wet but also hand bruised, then... worst of all, left EAR shot... not deaf, but obvious wounds while mom said "DON'T GET UR FACE SHOT AGAIN." k... not face, just ear... DAMN IT. it hurt
A LOT, one shot between the ear & my side fringe hurt my bone like mad...
Back home, I used my right face to face my dad all the time, not to let him see the ear wound but showed him the swollen finger, whatever... I told mom about the ear &... wtf,
NO MORE WAR GAME! DAMN!!! Didn't expect this... despite I worried about getting deaf when shot & if shot again & the bullet goes in. sigh~
Family dinners family dinners family dinners & still, family dinners. OMG WHY RED PACKETS' MONEY SO MUCH LESSER THAN LAST YR ONE!!!??? Government still said Hong Kong economy greatly improved, damn, they lied... Maybe because Grandma who used to give a big share to me only gave me a common number this time, but she's been giving me money throughout the year once she felt like it, she's still gd, not mean at all. lol
Holiday homework... they're just meant to TORTURE US!!! i hate them sooo much... it's taking forever to complete them, especially when I'VE GOT NO INTENTION TO DO THEM AT ALL!!! Hard to concentrate...
Empty... why why why... I've been planning all the way since last long holiday (lol) to get myself contented & entertained throughout this whole holiday that whenever I found something fun, able to amuse myself for a long time, or that I can work on without getting bored or something like that, I left a part for this holiday. I downloaded a whole of Prison Break Season 3 to watch, a few WHOLE of comics, a few games, a few movies, a few books, quite some activities... In the end I feel like doing none of them... Just, really empty. Maybe the hobby is back, or rather say, it never left - Daydreaming. Just imagine things & find it fun. That could be what suits me... But I don't know why, I prefer doing it on the bed, (nothing dirty), it feels better, but no one is going to allow me staying on the bed all day long... sigh~
BODY I wanted to swim all day long & especially now as I need to slim down a bit after the exams... ate too much without moving around, but then it's tooooo cold now to swim.
I've been doing research on muscle trainings & growth this few days... a few conclusions-
1. Being fully asleep between11pm - 1am is very important for growth. (despite I'm not asleep now... 12.14 am. maybe that's why my tall-growing slowed, i slept little between these hours this year)
2. In muscles training, weight is the thing, number is nothing. Frequency & more groups are important as well.
3. Yet, muscles training affect tall-growing as well... (PROVED)
4. Found suitable moves that suit me & what I should do.
5. BOOKS, are meant for lifting at times. lol, I don't have that heavy dumbbells at home...
First of all, today I'm proved as a very neat person! I've always been. relatives came over to my house to 拜年 at night & when they come into my room they're so astonished about how neat my room is, wahahahaha. comparing with too many messy rooms of my cousins & nephews. Yet, they don't believe that this neatness is made myself, they say, "You must be very busy this afternoon." wth... i'm not ok... yes i am, busy watching tv & then slacking while doing homework? i did nothing in tidying my room except folding my blanket when I woke up, nothing else. So, I shall keep this tidiness.
Found myself handsome. WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Just kidding. But many who didn't, said it this year. ROFL
Computer games in exams
SHALL BE FORBIDDEN BY MYSELF! It greatly affected my results, bringing me seriously bad mood & worrying.
Work DAMN HARD for the coming exam, it's causing me my life if I don't get into 4C the elite class... I mean it.
Sleep more for the sake of my height & practice weights for the sake of muscles!
Last of all, I BLOGGED!!!
Meant to be the one beside seeing you smile.
Please, don't cry.