Wed: when i was blogging i suddenly had headache right ? then ate panadol & laid on bed. didnt fall aslp , or perhaps should say : CANT fall aslp. not bcoz im not tired , i AM EXTREMELY tired. yet... when my dad came home i was half aslp , within 5 min of silence i can rly fall aslp . but my dad ... sigh~ he talks so damn loud no matter wat i was doing , i talking on phone he talk damn loud , i studying he talk damn loud ,
tats isnt the worst , as i said his room's handle spoilt , he fixed it when i was laying in bed.
O GOD IT'S FREAKING LOUD. so until 8 smthg pm for dinner i didnt fall aslp
AT ALL. but got btr - left brain ok , right brain aching...... after dinner slept a bit earlier - 1am. lol. couldnt fall aslp as usual & took out ear piece to listen to music. as usual. when i was a bit slpy , i took off the ear piece & tried to slp . o nooo............ i felt so cold , trembling . it doesnt matter w the air-con , im sick. trembled for darn long & somehow i fell aslp.
o ya rmbed smthg, ytd when i was walking to the sis' hse , i came across a condom on the strt... how ? stepped on it... was like
OMG HOLY SHIT . a condom on the strt. i think it's unused, nth inside. lol. maybe someone [trying] to
use up stairs then dropped it down... haha , maybe throw. or may be shoot it down like a rubber band. XD omg... cant believe tat my first time coming across a condom is on the strt, stepping on one... which's not sure whose... LOL
Thurs: morning woke up, head was fine. but things had to go ---slow motion--- ...bbbcccooozzz iiifff iii mmmooovvveee fffaaasssttt bbblllooooooddd rrruuussshhheeesss tttooo mmmyyy bbbrrraaaiiinnn aaannnddd mmmyyy hhheeeaaaddd aaaccchhheeesss aaagggaaaiiinnn. haha , yea , so i moved real slow.
took bus & was almost late. b4 i alight i walked to the bus door & another guy of my sch came & said 'hi' . i was thinking 'do i know u ?'. but then i gave him a smile still. then he stood near & took my hand , i was still unable to react when he held my wrist & took up to c my watch. oh... he wants the time. but then tat time left 5 min we would be late & my watch is 10 min fast... haha. then it showed tat we were
[ALREADY] 5 min late. then he said 'we should still hav a bit of time right ?' . then i told him , ' my watch is 10 min faster, we still hav 5 min.' 'oh thx' he said. nice guy, talking abt him but can refer to me too. XD i think we dont rly seemed like strangers bcoz we r all
LASALLIANS. we guys in same sch same uniform hav some sort of unity. yea. so i wasnt too shocked when he did tat & he wasnt shy or wat.
reached sch in time but my class went up first. my form tchr the bitch always like to be early... ran up the staircase & jasdeep was
AHEAD of me. o god... he was always late but this time im
BEHIND him ! shit... the bitch wanted explanations y we were late. jasdeep said traffic jam, as always. then bitch started her scoldings agn... last day man. then i had time to think , as we sit in numbers today, gabriel was in the front row he told me to say traffic jan as well in mouth-shape. i don want, it's stupid. jasdeep said traffic jam & now he's scolded. when bitch turned arnd i said, 'i vomitted in the morning.' & yeah it worked ~ i pretended to be so sick & tired & she couldnt rly scold someone sick , i dunno want tat to hpn right ? lol. im rly sick but i didnt vomit , tats it.
had the papers, at first was like
OMFG NO PLS !!! my second best subject chinese history got 83 for paper only...... omg... i thought if tat's screwed others
WONT be fine. then there comes my third best subject science , 84.
BLOODY NO. felt ... hopeless. eng compo my sort of gd in - 62/80. wth... then there comes my used to be lousiest subjects - IH & Com. IH paper - 95 , com paper 80/80. O YES !!!!!!~ MR HO & MR NG I LOVE U !!!!!! thx for the revise & answers !!! mr ho took lots of time to make powerpoints & revise w us , while mr ng lots of keppoints which r most probably the answers, if not we study everything then will take so darn long & waste time. the others turned out some gd some bad. one thing happy - PTH i've waited so damn long & now i finally get 100 !!! YEAH !!! i love it~ i really really want to say 'long time no see' to the number 100. yes, i mean it. i havnt seen it since p5, p6 also no 100... "100, LONG TIME NO SEE!" yeah im lame. last time i've got 91 , 98 , 97. now i get wat i want. too sad PTH no subject prize, it's included in chinese subect prize , which i obviously cant get. my chinese crapped la... 70.5 for paper T_T but it's actl .. usual. i always get tis marks for chinese now.
{[(Btw now im actl blogging w the karaoke's com starting frm ''i've waited so long..."& its keyboard is so darn hard to type, sry if a lot of typos. am early & the others havnt arrived.)]} chinese total , if over 100 my avrg is 70.5 , agn... lol. it's now a burden liao, bcoz it's far lower than my avrg mrks - 86.42. sigh~ my used-to-be-top-in-lvl subject... sigh~ hopefully i can get Com subject prize bcoz i know my CA 16/20 is regarded darn high & 80/80 in paper is obviously highest. hopefully......
heres an overall look -
(frm here onwards blogging at home agn...)Eng Compo - Paper : 62/80.
wth ? Total : 80/100.
thank god my CA was gd.Eng Paper - Paper : 88/100.
sigh~ so easy also like tat. Total : 88/100.
CA no help...Eng Listening - Paper & Total - 49/50. ty ty. Eng Oral - Total 45/50.
okok lor......Eng Grand Total - 262/300. avrg - 87.3
still higher than my avrg, gd.Chi Compo - Paper : 61/100.
PERFECT!!! beautifully broken. Total : 41/60.
sigh~Chi Paper - paper 70.5/100.
always arnd here... =.= Total : 40/60.
CA killed me.Chi Listening - Paper & Total : 20/30.
GREAT !!! y not another 5.5 marks awayChi Oral - Only know Total : 23/30.
sigh~ ok la...Chi Project - Total : 17/20.
YES !! BEST AMONG CHINESE.Chinese Grand Total - 141/200. avrg - 70.5.
would u still believe it was my top-in-lvl subject ?Maths - Paper : 86.5.
cant believe MC i lost 7.5... Total: 87.
Science - Paper : 85.
MC , I HATE U. long qtn surprisingly all crt. Total: 84. CA...Com - Paper : 80/80.
praying to god i can get subject prize
Religious - Paper : 74/80.
Quite gd ~ Total : 91.
IH - Paper: 95.
essay got 3 mrks gone for point form... bloody hell. Total: 93.
CA... but would u believe tis was my WORST subject ?
Chi History - Paper & Total : 83.
HOLY SHIT !~ WTF !? kill me now.PTH (Mandrin) - 100.
YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!Grand Total - 1037/1200. Arvg - 86.42
Improved by 10 in total & 1 in avrg. unsatisfied...erm... a few guys fell out of top 10 , but alrdy know a few went in as well... personally unsatisfied & think it's rly unsure if im in it, but dennis told me i am in it. blablabla , wtevr. still, conclusion -
Efforts paid off , but I'm not a genius.
o yes , someone in fdster's cmt reminded me of
INSANE NOTES . i took a photo of all notes in eng , all notes in chinese &
All my notes in eng. looks great !~

All my notes in chinese! mainly chinese history, doesnt look nice bcoz quite some blanks & a few pieces i wrote both sides cant be shown fully.

(like so darn in front...over 43 siah) & sammy who's no.36 jus told me in msn tat he took my maths paper home...... i lent him for corrections & he didnt return... watevr , useless liao. haha
Today: Morning went karaoke w eddie, davy,sammy& chiu wing. damn .... i arrived at 11 am & called eddie who organized things. he said : 11:30.
WTH ? U TOLD ME 11AM LAST NIGHT!? he said he changed time & forgot to tell me, 凸. lucky there got com & ps2 for ppl waiting to play , only i was there , so blogged & played. wat a risk to blog there man... but dlt all temporary files, history & cookies.
finally eddie came, went in & got discount for students. YAY~ abt 8 sgp$ per person ,
INCLUDING LUNCH & a drink. ok cheap la. within 2 min davy & sammy arrived tgthr. & sammy forgot to bring me my maths paper...... wth. he said he didnt even know im coming... called chiu wing , & it was the 4th time then he answered.
He Just Woke Up. omg... we sang first. yeah ~ there got a tv w a few channels - PS2 , Com , TV. PS2 was winning eleven & we played in turns. i not so fascinated, BCOZ WE R HERE TO SING GUYS !!! sammy & eddie play so darn long dont sing, then when eddie lost like siaoh (5:0) in first half... lol. davy took over.
GOD !!! WAT R U GUYS HERE FOR !? u guys
ALL hav winning eleven at home, ur here to sing man !~ im the one who dun hav...
i chose the song 高妹 (tall girl) for davy. LOL. inside mainly say the guy singer too short but gf too tall. but he will still treat her gd. then tat song had some parts real high pitch & davy said :'
Wa !~ damn hard to sing man ~' in chinese. i said :"
C'mon!~ i chose it for YOU!"
'really ?' "
yea !~ ur the shortest here, not u sing who sing ?" then he understood my purpose (LOL) & said :
'u want to be beaten up...' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA , i was laughing like mad , & im SOOOO scared ~ LOL. u know who's DEFINITELY going to win. sang tgthr , not tat bad to him lah. then half way he cut the song... wahlao. u dont sing i sing lor, i like the song. our meals came, we guys took the forks & spoons , when davy wanted to take.... he shouted :"WHY THE HELL AM I LEFT WITH TWO KNIVES !?" ROFL !!! AHAHAHAHA.... unlucky guy , who tell u so slow. then he called the service counter & EXTREMELY POLITELY asked for a set of fork & spoon. not his style man.
soon chiu wing came & he asked for a new menu , the guy took here & davy asked for his FORK & SPOON AGAIN. LOL. then tat guy say, "ok now i go take for u." & he nvr came back.... hahahaha. then after so long davy's meal is DRYING & TURNING COLD. he was playing ps2 & suddenly shouted :"
为什么我还没叉用啊!!??" ROFLMAO !!! omg... i said:"你没叉用..." then everybody started to laugh. sometimes when we scold ppl in chinese & don rly want to use the foul word , we use 叉 to replace , it mean a cross , an 'X' . like erm... an algebra to replace a number. so wat he said
CAN mean
CAN mean
"U R FUCKING USELESS..."omg i laugh like so long....... XD actl we meant 'why do i still don hav a fork to use?' & 'u don hav a fork to use' respectively but obviously i hav another meaning as well.... AHAHAHAHA then he said maybe the fork & spoon comes along w chiu wing's meal. tats going to be long, i tried to be nice & make another call for him. he said no need but i still did. in 10 seconds it arrived....
LMAO !!! ai ya , stupid guy.
TOLD YOU to make one more call u also dun want, now i call immediately come...
erm... today's case is dif w last timess. last time i cant sing high pitch at all , now it's like im singing too high pitch..... god... but not 走音 then gd liao. lol. got a song davy chose himself he sing 2 sentences then say 'ai ya tis is 16 pitches higher than me lah~' then he cut the song. next song also he choose one,
WITHIN one sentence he said
'DAMN. TIS IS LIKE 32 PITCHES HIGHER THAN ME OKAY !?' & he cut agn.... next song , i chose one. sang half way he shouted '
LOL. i couldnt hear the singer himself sing wat.... too soft. last time i only got sing 8 pitches lower...... first time hear saying tis to me , then was like laughing & sang lower pitch. then chiu wing's meal came, no fork & spoon.
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!! ROFL it's the first time i've seen them missing out forks & spoons , & this 1st time got 2 guys dun hav. haha.
time for bill. chiu wing & davy say
NOT ENOUGH MONEY. wth !? im not paying for u guys ok. especially davy , hardly returns. eddie searched their wallets & rly not enough. but when davy jus came he said he got ten bucks. then now say cant pay 8 bucks !? then sammy eddie & i still paid the right amount. chiu wing paid 6.4 & davy paid 4.2 ...... (im trying to get all the numbers in sgp dollars. not accurate one.) then i said, " davy u jus now still say got 10 bucks , how come now dun hav huh ? for sure ur pockets still got some.' then he was jus smiling.
I KNEW IT. finally the waiter came back for the bill , he left the bill w us earlier to giv us some time for gathering the money. then eddie was telling the waiter to wait first. then everybody stared at davy ~ from his pocket he took out abt 40 bucks...... & gave the waiter 10 bucks.
I KNEW HE WONT TAKE OUT UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT. then the change all goes to davy, he actl a bit paid for chiu wing as well. lol. they so gd fds both soccer team & davy so rich also don mind right ? davy's monthly [income] is abt $350 SGP dollars okay? & he certainly don pay any bills himself. richling.
left. we keep asking each other where to go , seems like no one wanted to go home. at first said go net cafe or game machines (is tat wat u call it ? like pointing a gun at the scrn shooting thgs & driving & dancing ) but at last didnt go. went to buy smthg to eat , only chiu wing bought la. he ate the latest , dunno y still can eat. (he's not fat AT ALL, as i said he's soccer team). i was so full so didnt buy. sammy left earliest, we were wandering arnd aimlessly. met jamie ~ LOL. she's andy's old gf, broke up long ago. (both r extreme SHORTIES!!! i guess jamie is only 145cm. not even my chin , below my neck...) & we ALL know her in the long breaking up process . later charles liked her as well but broke up , again..... we met up at 5th floor , when we came down , met her agn & she walked to eddie & wanted to borrow abt 5 bucks. as first i didnt know was her & i turned round & first reaction was -
a pigmy/dwarf coming for funding ? LOL . then recognized it was her... haha . eddie don hav & she walked away. later we left & went home each . & am back here.
o ya btw im going to japan on 9th july afternoon & returning at abt 1am on 14th july. yea. bye~