1. Start Time : 11:04am
2. Name : hauyip
3. Nickname : theres a list of 42...
4. Astrology sign : Virgo ...
5. Gender : MALE !
6. Hair color : black
7. Eye color : dark brown
8. Height : 179 !!! XD
9. Favorite color : ocean blue, sky blue, blood red, black & white !?
11. Tattoos : it sounds cool but i got to swim and change in sch man...
12. Birthplace : HK
13. Area code : dunno
14. TRUE friends : loads
15. Cut your own hair? YA! tat time check hair but mine damn long
16. Done something in the past regret? obviously, significant one: thrown the shoe T_T hope there isnt another time i make a girl cry
17. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? yeah
18. Skipped school? i hav gd reasons
19. Bungee jumped? YES ! IT'S REAL COOL & so shuang
2o. Punched someone? OF COZ
21. Cheated on someone? yup, they deserved it
22. Been arrested? no...=.= i've done illegal things but im not caught LOL
23. Broken into someones house? no...=.=
24. Been to a funeral? yes
25. Used a lighter? YA! p1 i PURPOSELY used it to burn my thumb XD, now i burn tissue
26. Season : AUTUMN ! i love the breeze man
27. Ice cream flavor : vanilla, strawberry , tiramisu
28. School subject(s) : PE ! it's the only sub with no hmwk ROFLOL
29. Candy : i quit long time
3o. Breakfast : bread ??
31. Juice : QUIT , now i love WATER
32. Book(s) : ONE PIECE comics , quite some time didnt read
33. Movie(s) : Troy & SO MANY !
34. Song(s) : err, too much to say
35. Letter(s) : A on report bk, H&Y for my name,recently dunno y ppl all buy me clothes for present n they always buy L... i wear XL LA ! <- not a person okay
36. Favorite fast food restaurant : c the most Mcdnd, but didnt c so much yet i LOV LongJohn
37. Disney Princess : screw them
38. TV station : who cares
39. Name for a son : too far away liao
4o. Name for a daughter : too far away
41. Chocolate or Vanilla? both rocks
42. Alcoholic or not? nvm
43. Scary movies or comedies? both
44. Short or long hair? short for my self and guys, long for girls
45. Croutons or bacon bits? BACON bits
46. Mexicans in general : Mexico ? XD
47. School : APS, hmwk , exams.... T_T
48. Grass : SOCCER !
49. Cow : the science experiment of cutting an ox eye... YUCK
5o. Canada : canadian ?
51. Mouse : cat & com
52. Hands : legs
53. Watched a movie? YA ! pirates of caribbean 3
54. Talked on the phone? yeah, jus then
55. Cried? no
56. Choked? no
57. Drank a glass of water? drinking
58. Done Drugs? no
59. Read a book or magazine? texkbk counted then yes
6o. Watched TV? obviously yes
61. Looked in the mirror? i hav to, it's beside the door of my toilet...
62. Taken a shower? OF COZ LA, i 2 days dont bath then stink liao
63. Taken a picture? of my notes
64. Listened to music? listening
65. Kissed someone? no...
66. Told someone you liked them? no
67. End time : 11:16am
Next SEVEN lucky people:
ME ME ME ME ME ME ME sat: was forced to study all day long, but i managed to make my mom let me go watch pirates of the caribbean 3,At world's end at NIGHT! the graphics is way too COOL, but the storyline is a bit complicated and i coundnt digest instantly. but as the movie goes on i can ^^ . the sad point is tat the ending isnt rly satisfying man. william became the Dutchman's captain and he's meeting up Elizabeth once TEN YEARS ! TEN YEARS MAN. so i wondered if he sexed with elizabeth the last time they met on the beach.... XD bcoz they were sort of changing wat, maybe they sexed. ROFLOL
SUN: worst then the day b4 , studied eng oral first, then finished chinese history revision ! YAY ! IM SO GLAD. chinese history is one of the subjects tat spent the most time revising, & yet one of my BEST subject ! :)
had freaking lot of notes. but it only filled abt 3 A4 papers, without lines.

sec 1 end of year exam i filled 7 pieces of A4 paper without lines with my notes man ! used up 4 leads of my pencil and another brand new pen(out of ink writing the notes......)
ok, at night watched 'The Mummy' from TV. not bad, it's the prob of the channel, it's like they're playing VCD instead of DVD man ...... the other channels of the same company is much btr, but sunday night they dont hav movies.... T_T
fine , so overall it's quite a gd film with real nice ending. and i rmbed when i was p4 or p5 , my mom borrowed the disc from a neighbour and was playing at night. but then i was like so scared so i didnt watch... XD im not scared abt tat instant, it's tat i scared i may get nightmares..... LOL but ytd i watched it's like so fun. the gunner is real pro and funny...or humorous ? nah...
TODAY: OMG today sucks. at 1:30 i got to go sch for eng oral exam. & my mom made me wake up at 9 am... but i still managed to stay in bed till 9:45. YES ! YES ! YES ! then everyone's out , im the only person at home. tats also why i can type blog now. XD 2 floors above it's drilling holes and IT"S GODDAMN LOUD !!! HTFH do u suppose me to study lah !? damn. ytd ben asked me to go sch to swim for like 15 min b4 the exam so tat we get more fresh. bcoz the examiners (we knew who) give damn high impression bonus. if we look more fresh we get more marks. but then my mom dun let me go.....T_T at first i also tot if i stay at home & study more maybe it's even btr. but now obviously the DRILLING SOUNDS screwed up my day.