today it's sort of last dday of my sec 2. we had LOTS of FUN !!!!!!! HAHAHAHA
we took pictures with tchrs at ending of lessons, also called ben to give fairwell speeches as sort of surprise.
and mr HO LESSON ! as there's news tat he'll be fired after this year, we may not c him next year. so we had a PARTY ! wwe got a huge paper where we sign to support him, we sang all lesson long. the prayers were suddenly changed to songs, ( we actaully changed the prayer leader for tis ^^) if he asks questions, whole class raise up hands. if answer correct we sing first song, ans wrong , 3rd song ! haha. eddie printed lyrics at home ytd for us liao . as mr ho's chinese name makes him a nickname called " COLA MILK " .
WE MIXED UP COKE AND MILK IN FRONT OF HIM ON TCHR'S DESK !!!it was REAL shiok man. after we said gdby & ty ... , WE SANG AGAIN !!! ROFLOL
after tat com lesson, tat com tchr is the MAIN discipline master in our sch, but he left to do some DISCIPLINE work. SO FREE LESSON !!! XD
he only came back last 3 seconds, then bell rang & he wished us gd results ^^
then ben who sits at corner, made everything in his drawer fall out. IT WAS LIKE GARBAGE CENTER MAN !

then a lot of us actually helped to mess it more ! anyway he doesnt want the papers. then anson went to the bin to take every piece of paper out to throw to mess too ! at last it ended smthg like this

but the bitch irene yau came back & scolded us up for tat ..... 凸
ltr i took pictures of the CUTEST BOY in our class !

he looks btr smiling with teeth outthen another picture of him wearing someone else's spectacles

COOL !so after tis so called last day of sch , next week exam starts !!!! DAMN it's going to last till 18th of june, i may die half way......
so tats it. rmb to come to my funeral. /.\