first of all im alrdy sick of typing in lines, it's so troublesome to change mistakes , faster way got to use mouse, which i dont want.

Create your own Friend Test hereso ytd i made this test to see if ppl r my true frens, and it turn out tat no one will automatically do it expect SQ. after i made the test actually i also found out tat it's really hard. i did it once first , n even me myself got one mistake........ then i delete the record and do agn , then i get full marks. After some war craft and dinner , i checked the record n only SQ did it. and OMG he failed........... so disappointed !!! at first i thought if there's only one person who can pass the test other than me , it must be SQ . but it seems no.......T_T
actually cant blame him, the test combines wat's happening to me in sgp and hk , ppl of sgp probably dunno wat's going on in hk , so is the same for hk frens. but i counted the questions , theres only 4 questions tat are abt hk which i dont really mention , the rest i said in msn's personal msg or friendster profile, if u got read u should know.
so since ppl wont auto do , i tell ppl in msn , soon 4 person did it
i thought no one will pass if sq failed ! so u can see ppl got gd memory , can rmb wat i said . tat kelvin C in my record is my HK fren , i thought he will only get like 10% , yet he got 25% , NOT BAD ! but jeremy and soh , im totally disappointed ...
in fact i fought with zhang yu xuan more than 10 times in aps !!! how is it possible tat he's my best fren !? we are not even pure friends ! we are worse than tat now.
Shan Quan , U r my best fren dumb ass , only one person got tat right , even u got it wrong n thought zhang yu xuan is my fren....
there r a few tricky questions like the last , i said which tchr i hate the most , the last option was 'the bitch who sent me the vice-principal's office when i fought in p5' , since i said 'the bitch' , most ppl chose her, xl got tat right maybe bcoz she hates him too, while my hk fd , kelvin , also got tat right , pure bcoz of guessing as he said, tat Ms Yau is actually my form tchr now , who i said was a bitch in a few days ago's post
as for the question what i think i am the most , it's also quite tricky bcoz the the name of this test is called : knowing the lame , so ppl who dont know will pick lame , but i call myself satiric so much !!!!!!!!!!!!! tats the answer !!!
and for wat drink i love the most , yes , i got to admit tat last time in aps , even when i play soccer i hold a lemon tea packet in my hand.... but i've said in both MSN and friendster tat i quit lemon tes and coke , I NOW DRINK WATER THE MOST !!!!!!
really , it's true , morning wake up 2 cups , go sch one bottle , tats like 3 cups , if got PE lesson another 2 cups , come back home when doing homework i drink water like mad --- 3 large cups , dinner 1 cup (got soup my mom dont let me drink so much water) , after dinner 1 cup , b4 going to bed 1 cup .
So without PE lesson , i also drink 11 cups of water a day , with PE lesson 13 cups. obviously i like water more la !!!!!!
abt today , i wake up quite late , played a bit war craft , then go afternoon tea with grandma, auntie , mum and dad , and a cousin ( like 26 liao ). this is weekly job and it is so damn boring , just finish not long ago then come home and type blog . my mom told me afterwards go cut hair, i hair now is really looooooooong !
bye ! rmb to do the test !