ytd was a lame day studying, nth to talk abt except tat i watched a damn funny concert held in hk, rent DVD.
so today sch. form tchr havnt found my maths ex bk. she might have lost it... asshole. D&T lesson we did worksheet instead of going to workshop, tat was alright. then RECESS , we went to 4G classroom to sign on a 'sort of banner' to show support to Mr Ho who might be fired after this year bcoz he's too kind, unable to control class discipline and all bcoz he's a new tchr who jus graduated from univresity.
then eng lesson, Ms marshall found out tat we missed the double lesson last friday due to sports prize guving ceremony, so we'r a bit tight on the syllabus. so today spent whole lesson doing the workbk. & i was only left with 5 questions to do at home. YAY! then IH lesson taught by Mr Ho, none of us dared to ask if he will really be fired. Ben paid Alex 40bucks to make him say "U deserved being fired !!!" in Mr Ho's lesson but...... alex didnt dare at last... he gave back the 40 bucks. but another we played was, once Mr Ho ask ANY question, the whole class raise up the hands.... LAME. but we did, about 85% of the class ? and Mr Ho was smart this time, he pruposely picked one tat for sure dunno wats the answer. crap. the guy dunno say wat but at last someone else kindly whispered him the answer so he didnt have to stand. and tat kind guy was ME. LOL
chinese lesson. omg. cant believe tat mr mak said we r donig another compo this lesson. wtf. last week we just did one ! fine , it's within syllabus, we hav to. then we found out on the paper he gave us tat, it was printed there HOMEWORK. and he said, cross tat out. WTBFH , U HAVE TO MAKE US DO IT IN LESSON !? DAMN. didnt write a single word in tat lesson. bcoz i knew there's another chinese lesson at the end to today. and i cant think of any thing to write. then recess.
then music. HOLY SHIT. we'r taking this music exam tat we go outside classroom one by one where Mr Wan is waiting to ask us 2 questions , one about those major and minors, another about chinese instruments tat we taught this year. wth , when i opened the door, the door hit my foot and it bounce back and it HIT MY LEFT EAR !!!!!! It's fucking pain. >.< then Mr Wan told me to take a rest first , but in 10 seconds i hardly spit out the word 'ok'. then exam starts. i jus studied 2 mintues b4 the exam. XD minor and mojor , anyhow say, guess im wrong. he didnt say. chinese instrument, i said something i saw on the book , should be right but he said im wrong. so finish exam i go back to take my book to check and showed him, then he said ask me another question, which is one tat i TOTALLY DUNNO. well... so this time i either pass or 0. nvm. music doesnt count for exam total and rank. haha
after tat chinese lesson agn ( last lesson ). did the compo but not in time. stayed back in the classrm to do it. after some time mr mak left and told us to hand in to him at staffrm. well ... then everybody dont concentrate and i got disturbed and my last 2 paragraghs took me damn long...... those 2 paragraghs only about 100 words, i should be able to finish in 5 minutes but ended up using 30 mintues.......=.=
and FUCK ALEX. he told me he wanted to borrow my phone to call his mom bcoz he phone out of battery. fine, out of kindness i lent him. and tat asshole actually called some porn number !!! wat the heck ! then it charges like 6 seconds 1 dollar. i stopped him at like 10 seconds. so at most charge 2 dollars but i dunno maybe b4 i heard the sound from my phone he called for some time liao. then i die T_T i said if my bill got a single CENT more expensive, he's going to pay. and then he fucking told me, wat he called is no ordinary porn calls tat r like recorded ones. u press 1 then got wat, u press 2 then got wat. no. it's those of REAL PPL. and THEY ARE GOING TO REPLY TO MY NUMBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT ! omfg. if they reply then i ga na c liao. so i told him, if the porn call replies once , im going to whack him once, replies twice , im going to whack him twice. DAMN DAMN DAMN. now so far i havent received a reply yet, hope it doesnt come. and i definitely dont hope tat it comes when IM HAVING LESSONS ! bcoz i dont feel like switching off my phone and it's only vibration, i set no sound. but if its vibrations make sounds, i die. if confiscate one more time i really go jump off building man. my pohne got confiscated like 4 or 5 times liao.... sch days end in a week and then exams man. i dont want anything SADDENING to happen. /.\